Cf Aztecmonster Cf 3.5 Scsi Converter Card For Mac

This adapter allows you to use SD or microSD card media instead of a real SCSI device. Compatible with a vast variety of SCSI controllers. Including the Amiga motherboard controllers, 3rd party controllers as the A590 or the Blizzard/Cyberstorm SCSI controllers, Atari, Apple, PC, keyboards/samplers, CNC machines, scientist instruments, etc. As I understand it, my OS, 7.5.3, can see a hard drive up to 4GBs large. So I bought a 8GB CF card. I would like to format the card into two partitions, and give my color classic 8GBs of storage space. Is anyone here running this CF card? I have some questions about how to properly partition the CF card, and how to init the CF card.

So I have a healthy Mac Plus that I restored over the last several months. One of my experiments has been to buy an AztecMonster Compact Flash (CF) SCSI drive. It works well enough as a storage device but I have so far not been able to boot from it. I know about the notorious SCSI issues with the Plus and the stated work around for the AztecMonster is to disable pin 40 (RST) by 'cutting' the pin. I have done this by severing the corresponding wire in the cable ribbon assembly with an exacto-blade (I have some spare 50 pin ribbons so no big deal).

However this hasn't worked, I can't see the drive at all. I used SCSIProbe and received a message about possible termination error. I'm guessing I may need to ground the severed wire???So my questions are.(1) Has anyone been able to boot a Mac Plus from of an AztecMonster CF SCSI drive?(2) If so, what modifications, if any, did you do?Thanks!

Hi Uniserver,It is jumpered to 6. I also verified the SCSI number via SCSI Probe. If I use a normal 50 pin cable, the device mounts during start-up (via the SCSIProbe INIT). I can access it as if it were a hard disk (read/write no problems). However I cannot use it to boot the Mac (the driver does not load at start-up). This is not an issue with the device, but rather an issue with the early implementation of SCSI in the Mac Plus ROMs and compatibility with more 'modern' SCSI drives. The advice given by the drive developer is to remove the RST function by cutting pin #40 (the problem as I understand it is 'reset' is sent to the drive repeatedly before the drive can actually reset thus removing the signal eliminates the problem).

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However when I use the 'modified' cable (wire leading to pin #40 is cut), the drive is no longer recognized. I suspect this is due to the cut wire not being grounded or terminated. If I go back to a normal cable, behavior is as before. So I was wondering if anyone had solved this problem using this device (or other modern drive having same problem).