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Captain's blog supplemental to Asam'sENTRAPPED IN PARADISE - PULAU PERHENTIANPulau Perhentian trip was great. I have had a wonderful time there and this is the story.Day 1I left Kuantan after office which I shoot straight to Kuala Terengganu for the night there. I left for Kuala Besut the next morning. It took me about 1 1/2 hours to reach to Kuala Besut from KT where I met my friends and office mates. We were boated to P.

Perhentian and it took another 30-45 minutes to reach the island. We stayed in Pulau Perhentian Kecil (Fyi -there's also P. Perhentian Besar).Upon reaching, I was amaze with the clear sea water that called to me.

Although it's about 15-20 m deep, but I can actually see the ocean floor,which I don't imagine that Malaysia would have such a place like this.(Must be because I'm a penangite and I'm so used to Penang sea water that you all know how it's looks like). The boat which ferried us to P.Perhentian Kecil stopped at about 200 m from the beach (Long Island Beach).Another smaller boat, took us to the shore. It was a sunny day and I can just sing at that point of time. Hahahhaha.The view, just to describe it, sort of coming from the movie 'The Beach',where the shore curved in crescent shaped like, and I can see chalets stretching the shores. 'Mermaids and Mermans' beached, tourist playing frisbee, swimming and flying kites. From the looks of it, it's about 70% tourists and about 30% locals and others.

As for the, it's also a sight to see. Shirtless and serving food. Their physics.hmmm toned and delicious.

And delicious - I mean not just the food there.We had our lunch at Intan's cafe' where the heard me guys, only waiters serves food in P.Perhentian Kecil. Waiters not waitresses. You know how ganu's malay and these guys have that islanders and 'kampung-kampung' looks.

We had our lunch and off we went to check in at Bubu's resort. The room was a bit small due to the double queen size bed that fitted in one room. I shared the room with 4 others and we have to really compromised the space. I don't mind at all because I'm not planning to stay in the room after I forgot one thing. When I reached Bubu's there was a hunk standing at the entrance.

Long haired, tanned skin, big toned arms, strong jaw. I just can't take away my eyes off of him. And the odd thing was that of all the people passing by there, he actually said something to me.although it was not clear and I just passed by and smiled to him, but that's the ticket for me to approach and get to know him even more.After putting my bag away, I went out for a swim. Near Bubu's there is a small coral area where I dipped and swam.

I brought along a bottle filled with bread to feed the fish, literally just the fish ok.About 5.00 pm my colleagues and I were on our way to P. Perhentian Besar to have our tea break and to do snorkelling. The corals there are more beautiful and the area covered is much wider.After feeding the fishes and corals viewing. We head back to Bubu's.

That night, again we had our dinner at Intan's Cafe'. I like to watch the waiters at that restaurant. Cute and handsome. One of them is Azri, UUM student's from Kuala Besut, which work part time there. He's cute though. But his cousin is cuter (if such word exists).After we had our dinner, we watched this show at Bubu's.

Men playing with fire, sort of like that hawaian kind of thing. Fire on the stick, spitting out fire etc.

Download Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham. YTS YIFY Movies Torrents Download: Yashvardhan Raichand lives a very wealthy lifestyle along with his wife, Nandini, and two sons, Rahul and Rohan. While Rahul has been adopted, Yashvardhan and Nandini treat him as their own. When their sons mature, they start to look for suitable brides for Rahul, and decide to get him married to a young woman named Naina. Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham. (English: Sometimes there's Happiness, Sometimes there's Sorrow), also known as K3G, is a 2001 Indian family drama film written and directed by Karan Johar and produced by Yash Johar.The film stars Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol, Hrithik Roshan and Kareena Kapoor in leading roles, with Rani Mukerji appearing in an extended special appearance. Stream in HD Download in HD. Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham 2001. The embraced but much adored older sons of a wealthy couple is banished by his own dad if he chooses to marry a middle-class woman. Having a desire to reunite his loved ones, the younger son sets out to locate him. Genre: Bollywood, Comedy, Drama. Director: Karan Johar. Kabhi khushi kabhi gham movie download hd.

The hunk that I talked about earlier is doing that spitting out fire from his mouth stunt, the other two (which I may say not bad either) were doing fire on the stick stunt (sorry I don't know what to called it). One of my girl friend and I seated in the most front row to get a better view. He, ops I mean they, were superb and put the audience in awe and wow.My friends called it a night, but not for me. I stayed a little bit longer to see the happenings after that.

Suddenly music started playing. At first there, a couple danced at Bubu's dance floor. After a whilelater, 3 girls went up to the dance floor. I joined them. The girls were tourists from KL, celebrating their friend's birthday there.

I actually danced with these girls that night.not the same old boring dancingroutine, but one of the girls actually leaned her back on me. We dance so close at some point of time I felt a bit awkward touching that girl. By the way she was wearing only a bra and pareo.One of her friend's called us down, because of the cake cutting.

The birthday girl's named is Fara. She took that cake and gave it to all the people at the bar.

Not just give but she put it in their mouth, that'sincludes to me.After few hours of dancing, I called it a night.Day 2I woke up early that morning. Couldn't wait to see the activities installed for us.

Had my breakfast, after that went back to my room to put on my snorkelling attire.Off we go to Shark's Bay, the sorry thing is there wasn't any sharks to see, but a lot of little/tiny jellyfish that stung me. It was painful but I try to hold the pain back.After lunch, I went to browse through the local souvenier shop. A girl was attending to that, and you know what. The sales girl was being such a bitch to me, and I don't think just me, but to the local tourists. When I went in to the shop, she asked me if she can help me with anything, I replied to her that I was just browsing through the stuff and would buy some if that interest me. She said 'Tengok-tengok saja ke??'

With her face impression sort of like that 'looking down at people' look. A couple of my friends joined me after that, but after her remarks, I went out from that shop and left my friends in there. I waited for them at the entrance, and that sales girl giving them the same look. Hmmm, I called up my friends and give a remark - 'hey let's get out from here, and by the way the stuff here is too expensive for us local to buy'. I said that out loud. I don't know whether she understands it or not, but who cares, maybe she is too stupid to understand English anyway. That BITCH.We went to another reef location near P.

Perhentian Besar, Don't ask me the name, I forgot. We did another hour of snorkelling. Personnally, the corals here are beautiful, colorful.

That made me think that, I don't have to go overseas to see all these things. It is all here in Malaysia.I snorkelled with a good colleague of mine - Zul, we went to the edge of the reef to see sharks and stingrays, which we did. The sharks that we saw swimming under us can be as long as 1 meter in length, but the odd thing was, we didn't have any feeling of fear when we saw it. It was more towards feeling of excitement. We 'lepak-lepak' at that area for a while to see if there's more sharks, stingrays and other interesting fishes.It was nearly 4.00 pm. We were off back to Bubu's, and again at the entrance there stands the hunk again, and again he ask me how's the trip?

I said it was fine. From all the people passed by, I'm the one he talked to. He flattered me too much now.After Solat Asar, I just couldn't stay in the room, I went out to enjoy the beautiful and mesmerizing scenery, but I have to laid back from swimming. On the way down to the beach, I saw that hunk again. My god, he's so handsome, went passed him and sat on the beach. Listening to my Cli'e, I lay back and enjoy the evening sun. I fell asleep.

I woke up when Zul came and sat beside me. He brought along a book by John Grisham to read. I just couldn't careless and continue with my moments of peace.At about 30 minutes of peace, Zul and I decided to walk along the beach to an open-air restaurant beside Intan's Cafe'. I had a Banana Split and Zul had a Banana Pancake.

Escorted by soft music from Light & Easy Radio Station, the ambiance was perfect.That night we had BBQ at Intan' Cafe' and played some games. After dinner, we all went strolling along the beach. I'd decided to dance at Bubu's dance floor, that hunk as the DJ.

I dance with one of my girl friend. She's a lot older than me, A LOT older, that made me think, what's people around gonna think?? Am I her 'anak ikan'. The music sucks though, but who cares.During the music intervals, I went to the DJ. We talked a bit - it was just a get to know conversations.

Well that hunk name is Roy, and he is 36 yo, but wow, he didn't look that old. He's from KL, and went there just to entertain the tourists. It's a business that he does, entertaining people.

Well I'd ask for his business card, but sadly he didn't bring any with him, but who can blame him with the attire that he wore, only bermuda shorts and a sleeveles shirt. Then again he offered me his handphone number.

'pucuk di cita, ulam mendatang' and ask me to give him a miss call, which I did, of course. After achieving my objective - which to take his handphone no, I went off to join my friend for a midnight swim. It was about 12.00 midnight.About 1.30 am, I called it a night.Day 3I slept like a baby last night. Today is the last day. I woke up and solat Subuh, packed my things and ready to go. I went out to have breakfast at Intan's Cafe'.

Today the heat was so intense, that I couldn't bear walking in the sun. My friends and colleagues joined me later. There was a story that came to my ear, where my 'bed mate' told my other colleagues that I cuddled him when I was sleeping last night. It was a shocking tale for me. I didn't realize I was hugging him when I was asleep?? Oh, my goodness, what an embarassing news to hear. My other friends were mocking me, but who cares, he is cute though.

(mcm ustaz2 skit).After breakfast, I went back to Bubu's to take my bag. We waited for the small boat to take us to the bigger boat to Kuala Besut.

Before we left P.Perhentian Kecil, I did some diving and swimming for the last time, with a few of the locals that accompanied me. The depth is about 20 m down.We reached Kuala Besut around 12.00 noon. Due to wet clothe, I had to change. I went to the public toilet, outside I noticed that they also provide a place to have shower. I went in, I missed the shower room, I thought it was another toilet. So I pushed all the doors to see where is the actual shower room.

On the last door I pushed, there was a person in there doing his business. Oh my god, why the hell that he didn't lock the door. I didn't saw anything but the person. I quickly pulled the door back and went back to the right shower room.I shoot off from Kuala Besut back to Kuantan at about 1.30 pm. Reached Kuantan around 6.00 pm.The trip, just to describe it, was excellent, great. I treasured it so much.

I enjoyed spending time with friends and at the same time was mesmerized by Allah's creation. Perhentian Island is truly a paradise. Aparadise in Malaysia.Budak JahatPulau Perhentian 2004. Yus msg me.Aku terkejut beruk sebab Yus sms aku via email.

From his company email. Err nak tunjuk kat aku ker email company dia.

Aku sentap sebab he was just being nice asking me how I am and my mum. Err aku macam malas nak reply email sms whatsoever. I think it is a mixed feeling. Ntah aku tak kisah semua.

Janji aku nak BUANG dia terus dari hidup aku. I don't have to take this from him. I have better things to do. Aku ada tel member aku citer pasal dia. Member aku ada sokong aku ada yg marah aku. Aku pun tak tau 'YANG MANA SATU'.Lepas hantar N aku pun gi keje kejap.

Errr yes it is a Sunday. Tapi aku saja nak habiskan a few things.


I got a call from my friend ajak aku gi gym. Yeah I need to work out. Aku nak relief stess. To much work I am so stressed. Aku pun gi gym. Takde jantan cando as usual.

What do u expect from PENANG right. Just concentrate on my work out. Buat a bit of weight lifting tu jer. Aku pun tak nak buat heavy nanti penat pulak esok nak keje.Mlm aku call member aku yg stay kat Balik Pulau. Long time since I've heard from him.

Dia amik Diploma in some medical thing. Dia dapat offer to take a degree in Biology. Bagus alhamdulillah. Bagus at least naik taraf.

Kalau ada rezeki. Tak boleh amik doktor pun at least ada degree. That is a very good news for me and all of my friends. Sent N home.Lepas pagi Ahad tu aku pun hantar laa dia balik rumah dia. Aku hantar kat Jeti suruh dia naik feri. Pergi berambus laaa. Dah aku dah ON dgn dia so tak perlu laa nak aper lagi.

Touch-N-Go laa kan. Laaa dia tu yg nak romen dgn aku lepas dia cakap dia tak nak romen. Aku pun confuse laa dgn jantan2 cam nih. Sekejap nak sekejap tak nak. Macam nak play hard to get. Go and fly kites laa takde makna aku nak tergedik2 dgn dia.

N was on top of me. Women on top nih. N pun romen aku. Hmm boleh laaa. Konek dia pun nak kata panjang.

Tak jugak boleh laaa ala2 5.5' lebih kurang cam tu. Tak kisah laa. Aku takde mood nak isap konek dia. Sebab dia konon2 VIRGIN tak pernah isap konek org.

I was like errr takpe ko tak nak aku pun tak nak isap laa. Aku ada jugak pujuk dia isap.

N was very reluctant to blow me. So aku just like 'fuck off'. I don't have to take this shit from him. Takde makna semua nih. Nasib baik aku tak gila bab. gersang. So I can still control myself.

I donno whether it is pride of self fulfilment. I just don't care.

Tgk movie The Eye 2Nih 1st time aku jumpa N kat Jeti. I picked him up and dia look ok. Tapi slightly kurus. Hmmm boleh laa nak peluk. Muka kira oklah. Tak laa pecah rumah whatsoever. Normal malay look.

Aku bawa gi rumah aku lepas tu singgah kat pasar malam dekat area rumah aku tu. Then makan mandi keluar nak gi tgk wayang. Sampai kat kompleks BJ tu nak tgk movie. Sesampai nak beli tiket pun jam 10.15pm. So beli tiket 11.55pm midnight. Tgk The Eye 2.

So awal lagi. Kami gi dinner kat SG2 sebelah kompleks bukit jambul tu.Lepas tgk movie dgn dia. Kami pun balik. Tapi yg paling best aku rasa masa movie tu. Mamat melayu dgn awek dia yg duduk sebelah kami terkejut beruk dalam one of the scenes. EVERYONE was like what the hell is wrong with this chap?? Awek dia pun cool jerr.

Jantan nih ntah ape2 laaa terkejut beruk. I was obviously laughing at him errrr virtual everyone was laughing at him.

So dia pun COVER malu laugh konon2 it was a funny scene. LIKE HELOOOO everyone was laughing AT HIM!!!!! Kami pun drive balik rumah. Aku pun prepare nak tidur.

Nak have sex errrr takde laaa GERSANG gila nak sex. So kept it cool.

Ringan2 sikit tu ada laa. Well it could be me but why ppl that I played with err had sex with donno how to nibble oir suck or pet the nipple. Why don't these ppl learn how to PET.

Kalau aku buat kat dia org stim habis-habisan. Kalau buat kat aku. Errrrr tak puas pun. Perlu ker aku buat FAKE ORGASM?????