Another favorite of oppressive regimes worldwide that modders have been kind enough to develop for Fallout 4 is the FN FAL SA58. This mod by Wanamingo doesn’t only introduce the weapon, but also comes packed with a Kukri knife and some military uniforms for you to role-play a one-man African militia trying to take control of the Commonwealth.

Armor is one of the most important complements that a wanderer of the Wasteland can own.

New Vegas brought some fantastic sets of armors to the world of Fallout. But even so, there are other sets you’ll absolutely want to check out.

With extra mods you’ll have plenty more things to wear, which is always pretty cool when you’re looking for new buffs or cosmetic upgrades.

Dress in tactical desert gear put on a kickass holster, or enhance the armors of all roamers of New Vegas with that’s to come here. So without any further ado here are my Fallout: New Vegas picks for the coolest add-on armor you can find, along with links where you can download them.

15. NCR Trooper Overhaul Beta

If you feel like the NCR should look better, then it’s time for you to give this mod a try.

It basically revamps the way all of the NCR Troopers look making them much more badass than they are in the base game.

I think this mod is quite good, although some aspects could be a tad more improved (such as the variety of armors).

However this makes the NCR worthy of its name and boosts its “visual” presence. A very nice twist.

14. Type3 Body and Armor Replacer

Now this mod is a SFW version of the Type3 Body Replacer, which basically adds female body nudity to the game. As much of a joy as that would be, I’ll keep it PG-13 here.

This one simply enhances female bodies to make them look more natural, but you won’t see any nudity once it’s installed.

All of the female models are similar to how they look in the nude version of the mod. But they come with underwear.

They are also fully compatible with all armor and body mods that need Type3 bodies. Some mods on my list need this, so I’ve added this one to avoid compatibility issues.

13. Holster Gear

Having your weapon holster underneath your clothes makes no sense. And having it invisible makes no sense either.

This mod allows the holster gear to show just above your character’s thighs, which gives the impression that you’re carrying your handgun there.

Nice one!

It makes your character look cooler, although it doesn’t serve any specific purpose other than a cosmetics. But still, isn’t that a valid purpose for a mod to exist?

I’m adding this here because it honestly complements any armor set quite well.

If you’re a fan of holsters (and looking cool) then give this one a try. You’ll love it, I’m sure of it!

12. TGs Armor Collection Mod

Fallout New Vegas is, in my opinion, the best Fallout game to have ever been released.

However as many years have gone by since the game dropped, I have gotten used to seeing the same sets of armor over and over again.

With this mod you will be able to wear many new types of armor, as it adds plenty of new sets to the game.

Discover how it feels to make your character look truly unique with the TGs Armor Collection Mod!

Fallout 4 army mods

But let me warn you, this mod is a tad more difficult to install than the others because of the fact that it’s a pack of armors and not just the single one.

Be sure to read the instructions before proceeding.

11. High Desert Tactical Gear

Do you want your character dressed as a soldier from the US Navy?

Then the high desert tactical gear mod is here for you.

It adds a new shop to New Vegas and it sells everything that you need to get properly dressed as a soldier.

The armors and sets come with desert equipment so they fit the theme of New Vegas perfectly.

The mod has been upgraded plenty of times already, so it comes with many sets of armor for you to check out and wear!

10. Leather Backpack

Adventurers must check out this fantastic addition to the game.

It will add a backpack which comes with a foldable mattress. You’ll be able to sleep anywhere in the Mojave Desert thanks to the practical bed you carry with you everywhere.

As an added bonus, you can actually see the bed when you place it in the world.

It’s not just a hypothetical bed – the mod actually has the assets to show the bed itself in the game world.

That might be a small little detail, but it does make the mod feel much better . And I love that small addition!

9. Gas Masks of the World

I love that he creator of this mod asked one of the most important questions in the Fallout world: if there was truly an apocalyptic event that ended everything under nuclear warfare, why the hell weren’t there any gas masks in the game?

I mean, sure, you’re walking around the lands years after the events happened… but at least some protection would do, right?

This mod is meant to add a whole bunch of gas masks to the game, which naturally fit the look of New Vegas quite perfectly.

And this will make you feel protected in the dangerous wastelands that you’ll have to roam in your adventures.

8. Dragonskin Tactical Outfit

Feel like a true member of the military (or at least, as a military survivor) with the wide selection of military uniforms that the Dragonskin Tactical Outfit mod adds.

It loads into the game a whole bunch of fantastic outfits, all of which come with different camos and look extremely cool.

You will also get some balaclavas and masks to further the tactical feeling that you’ll get with this mod.

I love the look of it and I think you will too.

7. ADAM – A Definitive Armor Mod

So this mod adds a cool-looking helmet to the game, which has a lot of vibes that remind me of Mad Max.

You’ll see why if you download it – trust me.

If you’ve watched these movies and you think that their clothing looks cool, well, then go ahead and give this a try.

6. Reinforced Chinese Stealth Suit

If you loved the CSS in the original game then you’ll absolutely love this mod.

It adds a modified and reinforced version of the classic Chinese Stealth Suit to the game.

It looks super cool and it’s far more usable than the first version of the suit.

This is particularly better if you’re already in the end-game stages of New Vegas but you still want to rock this set of armor.

5. Advanced Recon Stealth Armor

Pdf spanish conversation for beginners. From a role-playing point of view, you won’t find a better mod than this one to add to the game.

It adds super high-tech suits, but they don’t look like high-tech suits unless to see them up-close.

They look like traditional sets of clothing without any armor at all if you see them from a distance. Weird, right?

But get a bit closer and you will notice how they are actually strong sets of armor that can be worn into battle. Maybe not for everyone but still a really cool addition!

4. Spice of Life

These mods are always really fun to install in all open-world RPG games that I play.

Spice of Life makes most characters in the game wear different types of armor, and most types of armor that they’ll wear are new and fully added by installing this mod.

If you’re tired of the dull look that most characters in the game seem to have, then you’ll want to try this one out for sure.

3. Advanced Thermal Recon Night Vision

It’s time for the Night Vision to actually be useful and serve a better purpose in New Vegas.

Install this mod to enhance the way night vision looks, making the goggles far more useful and viable when playing at night.

You’ll get target-acquiring features, better night vision, and even thermal scanning to detect your enemies and kill them before they even notice you.

They work during the day as well so that’s a nice added touch.

2. NCR Rearmament

The NCR forces might be tough, but don’t tell me that they aren’t bland in their looks.

I think the creator of this mod thought the same thing as some of us and decided to revamp the way the armor of the NCR looked.

And I think it’s safe to say that he did a fantastic job, as the new sets of armor look super cool.

Give the NCR a breath of fresh air and watch them patrol the wasteland with more style.

1. Caesar’s New Regime

This mod doesn’t only improve the armor of the Legion – it also makes the Legion much better and fun to play with.

There are new classes, a new fully-voiced companion, and hundreds of additional small additions that make this mod the best one on my list.

The Caesar’s New Regime mod basically overhauls the Legion and makes it feel more like it should’ve felt in the vanilla game. A fantastic mod indeed.

Definitely give this a try and you’ll instantly see what’s to love about it.

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WARNING Installing mods requires you to add to / remove / alter the main files of the game - ALWAYS use caution when installing mods.Before Installing Mods to modding any game is to make a backup of all of your games files, including any loose configuration files. In the case of Fallout 4, these are found (by default) in:C: Program Files (x86) Steam SteamApps Common Fallout 4C: Users Your Profile My Documents My Games Fallout 4Copying these files will ensure that, in the event of a catastrophic failure on your part (or if you just want to start from a clean install), you don't have to download and re-install the game.Enabling Mods in Fallout 4 In order to make your copy of Fallout 4 mod-friendly, you need to edit two configuration files, Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini.

By default, these are located in:C: Users Your Profile My Documents My Games Fallout 4. In Fallout4.ini, repalce the line sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS (under the Archive section), with:sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS, TEXTURES, MUSIC, SOUND, INTERFACE, MESHES, PROGRAMS, MATERIALS, LODSETTINGS, VIS, MISC, SCRIPTS, SHADERSFXIn Fallout4Prefs.ini, scroll to the bottom to find the Launcher section. Directly beneath the Launcer header, enter:bEnableFileSelection=1If this line already exists, make sure that the value is set to 1 and not 0.How to Install Mods Using NMM. The video above explains how to install mods via NMM.Before Installing any mods, follow the instructions above to and.Nexus Mod Manager is the easiest way to install many mods for Fallout 4, as it eliminates most of the hassle of installing mods manually.Once you've created an account and installed the manager, log into your Nexus account in the manager to enable direct downloads.

The video above explains how to manually install mods for Fallout 4.Before Installing any mods, follow the instructions above to and.While Nexus Mod manager has been update to support files for Fallout 4, some mods may still require players to install files manually. The best way to avoid errors in this is to read all of the installation instructions carefully before installing any files.Where to Install Mods Installing mods manually may seem like a daunting task, but in many cases it's a much simpler job than one might think. Apart from scripting tools (such as the FOSE for Fallout 3 / New Vegas) or lighting overhauls (like Boris Voronstov's ENBseries), almost all of the mod files will be installed into the Data folder of your game's directory. By default, the directory is installed to:C: Program Files (x86) Steam SteamApps Common Fallout 4When you've downloaded your mod files, use a file extracter such as WinRar or 7zip to extract the files into the Data folder. If your mod contains plugins, such as a.esp or.esm, simply copy those files into the data folder on their own. If the mod contains loose files - such as a folder lablelled 'Meshes' or 'Strings' or something - copy the entire folder into Data.Before launching the game, open the Fallout 4 launcher then exit it to activate your mods.Activating Plugins Until the official modding tools for Fallout 4 are released, it is unlikely that the launcher will feature a Data Files tab to configure your mod load order.In order to ensure that your mods are installed, you'll need to manually check and setup the game's plugin list. This file can be found (by default) in:C: Users Your Profile App Data Local Fallout 4.

IF YOU CAN'T FIND THE APP DATA FOLDER By default, this folder is hidden. In Windows Explorer, open the Tools section of the Menu Bar and select Folder Options. In the View tab of that window, under the Hidden Files and Folders section, check the box marked 'Show Hidden Files, Folders and Drives'.In the Fallout 4 folder in App Data, open plugins.txt- if your installations were successful, you should see your.esp or.esm files listed beneath Fallout4.esm. If they aren't listed there, manually enter the file names and save the document, then launch the game.