Attend this webinar to: LEARN howVASPs tight integration into the MedeA softwareenvironment enables easy access to comprehensive structuraldatabases and advanced model building capabilities,like surfaces and interfaces. SEE howMedeA ’sinfrastructure can operate in a focused or high throughput mode,and EXPLORE how oursophisticated analysis techniques examine the wealth of output datawhile automatically keeping track of all data connected with a givenjob. EXPERIENCE howthe MedeA environmentprovides full interoperability between VASP and a range of othercomputational techniques including elastic, vibrational andthermodynamic properties, transport properties, reaction pathways,cluster expansion and also ab-initio based optimization of forcefieldparameters.

DISCOVER moreon!More on VASP:The Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP) is the world’s leadingfirst-principles solid state electronic structure program for solids,surfaces, and interfaces. Its proven accuracy and high level ofcomputational robustness for standard computations such as geometryoptimizations and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations iscomplemented by a wide array of advanced features, such as semi-localand highly accurate non-local functionals, capture of Van der Waalsinteractions, collinear and non-collinear magnetism as well asspin-orbit coupling. An extensive list of properties can becalculated without relying on empirical parameters, for instancedielectric and piezoelectric tensors, optical spectra, highlyaccurate band topology and gaps (GW), electric field gradients andNMR chemical shifts, and many more. This webinar series will run live on threedates, so Tue,May 2nd: 10 am PDT / 11 am MST / 12 pm CST /1 pm EST USA / 7pm Europe (CET) Wed,May 3rd: 7 am Pacific / 4 pm Europe (CET) Thu,May 4th: 11 pm PDT minus 1 day / 8 am Europe (CET)/ 11:30 am India (IST) / 2 pm China (CST) / 3 pm Japan(JST)forany session, and we will send you a recording of the webinar afterthe last scheduled session.After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containinginformation about joining the webinar.Welook forward to having you there!-TheMaterials Design Team.

I am Medea, the sorceress, if you all will have it so. The wild woman, the foreigner. You shall not belittle me.Ive always declared-to the dismay of many- that if I ever had a daughter, I would name her Medea. Sony camera drivers. My fascination with this larger-than-life woman has been undiminished ever since I started learning about the ancient, endless, eternal myths of my country from a relatively young age.


VASP Support Forum. Our main support channel is a forum. Final fantasy x remastered walkthrough. Everybody is welcome to have a look, but posting questions and answers is reserved for licensed user only. New features and releases, bugfixes, highlighted papers, and more. The VASP team. Who we are and how we may be reached. I am using Medea VASP and running it on a torque cluster. When I submit the jobs through PBS to all nodes, it shows that all nodes are active but it runs only on one node.


Call me weird but dark, controversial figures have accompanied me for the most part of my reading life. ’I am Medea, the sorceress, if you all will have it so. The wild woman, the foreigner. You shall not belittle me.’’I’ve always declared-to the d.