MKL Optimized build How this Wheel was created. Create conda env conda create -n mkltflow -y python=3.6 numpy protobuf3.4.1. Activate it conda activate mkltflow. Download and extract it in temporary location (e.g. /Downloads/mklmlmac2018.0.1.20171227). Clone Mac ready tensorflow git clone -b v1.5.0-mkl-mac-build tensorflowmklmac. Change folder cd tensorflowmklmac.

Note: This tool is compatible with Windows operating systems including Windows 10/8/7. Clone dvd serial.

The script will build a.whl file and store it in the /tmp/tensorflowpkg directory. Installing TensorFlow. The final step is to install the custom-built TensorFlow binary using the wheel file. The specific name of the while will vary depending on the version of TensorFlow and Python in your environment. In my case, the command to install is. After installing Tensorflow using pip3 install: sudo pip3 install tensorflow I've received the following warning message: I.


And build env TFMKLROOT=/Downloads/mklmlmac2018.0.1.20171227 bazel build -config=mkl -config=opt //tensorflow/tools/pippackage:buildpippackage. Create whell bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pippackage/buildpippackage /tmp/tensorflowmklmac. Wheel is in /tmp/tensorflowmklmac directory.