Best The Exorcist Movie QuotesFather Damien Karras: There’s not a day in my life that I don’t feel like a fraud. Other priests, doctors, lawyers – I talk to them all.

I don’t know anyone who hasn’t felt that.Note: Jason Miller as Father Damien KarrasFather Damien Karras: Take me. Come into me.

God-damn you. It essentials desktop windows 10. Take me.Note: Jason Miller as Father Damien KarrasChris MacNeil: trying to reach her ex-husband Oh circuits, my ass.

He doesn’t give a shitOperator, don’t tell me there’s no answer, it’s the Hotel Excelsior in Rome Would you try it again please and let it ringOperator, I’ve given you the number four timesI’ve been on this fucking line for twenty minutes!Note: Ellen Burstyn as Chris MacNeilChris MacNeil: ” You’re sorry, Jesus Christ 88 Doctors and all you can tell me with all of your bullshit is??!!!”Note: Ellen Burstyn as Chris MacNeilRegan MacNeil: My bed was shaking. I can’t get to sleep.Note: Linda Blair as Regan Teresa MacNeilRegan MacNeil: to an astronaut guest at Chris’ party You’re gonna die up there.

It has been nearly 40 years since The Exorcist started terrifying moviegoers, and despite countless imitators and special-effects advancements made over that time, the 1973 film remains.

urinates on the carpetNote: Linda Blair as Regan Teresa MacNeilRegan MacNeil: Oh please, Mother, make it stop! It’s hurting.Note: Linda Blair as Regan Teresa MacNeilRegan MacNeil: possessed voice Keep away! The sow is mine!Note: Linda Blair as Regan Teresa MacNeilRegan MacNeil: possessed voice Fuck me! Fuck me!Note: Linda Blair as Regan Teresa MacNeilRegan MacNeil: possessed voice Let Jesus fuck you, let Jesus fuck you! Let him fuck you!Note: Linda Blair as Regan Teresa MacNeil Motivating The Exorcist Movie QuotesRegan MacNeil: possessed voice Do you know what she did? Your cunting daughter?Note: Linda Blair as Regan Teresa MacNeilRegan MacNeil: possessed voice, to Father Merrin Stick your cock up her ass, you mother-fucking worthless cocksucker!Note: Linda Blair as Regan Teresa MacNeilRegan MacNeil: possessed voice Your mother sucks cocks in hell, Karras, you faithless slime.Note: Linda Blair as Regan Teresa MacNeilFather Merrin: Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations with the demon. We may ask what is relevant but anything beyond that is dangerous.

He is a liar. The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful.

So don’t listen to him. Remember that – do not listen.Note: Max von Sydow as Father Lancaster MerrinFather Merrin: It’s the power of Christ!

The power of Christ compels you!Note: Max von Sydow as Father Lancaster MerrinFather Dyer: My idea of Heaven is a solid white nightclub with me as a headliner for all eternity, and they LOVE me.Note: Reverend William O’Malley as Father DyerDialogue:Karras: Mama, I could take you somewhere where you’d be safe. You wouldn’t be alone. There would be people around. You know, you wouldn’t be sitting here listening to a radio.Mother: speaks in Greek You understand me? This is my house and I’m not going no place. Dimmy, you’re worried for something?Karras: No, Mama.Mother: You’re not happy. Tell me, what is the matter?Karras: Mama, I’m all right, I’m fine, really I am.Note: Jason Miller as Father Damien Karras Remarkable The Exorcist Movie QuotesDialogue:Chris: about a Ouija board Wait a minute, you need two.Regan: No ya don’t.

I do it all the time.Chris: Oh yeah. Well let’s both play.Chris: You really don’t want me to play, huh?Regan: No, I do. Captain Howdy said no.Chris: Captain who?Regan: Captain Howdy.Chris: Who’s Captain Howdy?Regan: You know, I make the questions and he does the answers.Note: Ellen Burstyn as Chris MacNeil and Linda Blair as Regan Teresa MacNeilDialogue:Karras: It’s my mother, Tom. I never should have left her. At least in New York, I’d be near, I’d be closer.Tom: Could see about a transfer, Damien.Karras: I need re-assignment, Tom. I want out of this job. It’s no good.Tom: You’re the best we’ve got.Karras: Yeah, not really.

It’s more than psychiatry, and you know that Tom. Some of their problems come down to faith, their vocation and meaning of their lives, and I can’t cut it anymore. I think I’ve lost my faith, Tom.Note: Jason Miller as Father Damien KarrasDialogue:Chris: What made you say that, Regan?

Do you know, sweetheart?Regan: Mother? What’s wrong with me?Chris: It’s just like the doctor said. It’s nerves, and that’s all. You just take your pills and you’ll be fine, really. OK?Note: Ellen Burstyn as Chris MacNeil and Linda Blair as Regan Teresa MacNeil Famous The Exorcist Movie QuotesDialogue:Dr. Klein: It’s a symptom of a type of disturbance in the chemical-electrical activity of the brain.

The Exorcist 1973 Cast

In the case of your daughter, in the temporal lobe – it’s up here – in the lateral part of the brain. It’s rare, but it does cause bizarre hallucinations and usually just before a convulsionthe shaking of the bed. It’s doubtless due to muscular spasms.Chris. Advertisement Oh no. That was not a spasm. I got on the bed. The whole bed was thumping and rising off the floor and shaking – the whole thing, with me on it!Dr.

MacNeil, the problem with your daughter is not her bed, it’s her brain.Chris: So, uhm, what causes this?Dr. Klein: A lesion. A lesion in the temporal lobe. It’s a kind of seizure disorder.Chris: Now look Doc, I really don’t understand how her whole personality could change.Dr.


Klein: The temporal lobe is very commonIt could last for days or even weeks. It isn’t rare to find destructive, even criminal behavior.Chris: Hey, do me a favor, will ya? Tell me somethin’ good.Dr. Klein: Don’t be alarmed.

If it’s a lesion, in a way she’s fortunate. All we have to do is remove the scar.Note: Barton Heyman as Dr.

Klein and Ellen Burstyn as Chris MacNeilDialogue:Chris: Well give me an example, like what specifically did she say?Dr. Klein: Specifically Mrs. MacNeil she advised me to keep my fingers away from her goddamned cunt.Note: Ellen Burstyn as Chris MacNeil and Barton Heyman as Dr. Klein Great The Exorcist Movie QuotesDialogue:Dr. Klein: She’s heavily sedated. She’ll probably sleep through tomorrow.Chris: What was going on in there?

How could she fly off the bed like that?Dr. Klein: Pathological states can induce abnormal strength. Accelerated motor performance. Now, for example, say a 90 pound woman sees her child pinned under the wheel of a truck. Runs out and lifts the wheels a half a foot up off the ground – you’ve heard the story – same thing here. Same principle, I mean.Chris: So what’s wrong with her?Dr.

Klein: We still think the temporal lobe.Chris: Oh what are you talking about, for Christ’s sakes? Did you see her or not? She’s acting like she’s fucking out of her mind, psychotic, like a split personality or Dr. Klein: There haven’t been more than a hundred authentic cases of so-called split personality, Mrs. Now I know the temptation is to leap to psychiatry.

But any reasonable psychiatrist would exhaust the somatic possibilities first.Chris: So, what’s next?Dr. Klein: A pneumoencephalogram, I would think. Pin down that lesion. It will involve another spinal.Chris: Oh, Christ!Dr. Klein: What we missed in the EEG and the arteriograms could conceivably turn up there. At least, it would eliminate certain other possibilities.Note: Barton Heyman as Dr. Klein and Ellen Burstyn as Chris MacNeilDialogue:Chuck: I suppose you heard.Chris: Heard what?Chuck: You haven’t heard.

Burke’s dead. He must have been drunk.

He fell down from the top of the steps right outside. By the time he hit M Street, he broke his neck.Note: Ellen Burstyn as Chris MacNeil Popular The Exorcist Movie QuotesDialogue:Psychiatrist: When I touch your forehead, open your eyes.


How old are you?Regan: Twelve.Psychiatrist: Is there someone inside you?Regan: Sometimes.Psychiatrist: Who is it?Regan: I don’t know.Psychiatrist: Is it Captain Howdy?Regan: I don’t know.Psychiatrist: If I ask him to tell me, will you let him answer?Regan: No!Psychiatrist: Why not?Regan: I’m afraid.Psychiatrist: If he talks to me, I think he’ll leave you. Do you want him to leave you?Regan: Yes.Psychiatrist: I’m speaking to the person inside of Regan now.

If you are there, you too are hypnotized and must answer all my questions. Come forward and answer me now.Regan growls and contorts on the bedPsychiatrist: Are you the person inside of Regan? Who are you?Regan slams her fist into the Psychiatrist’s groinNote: Arthur Storch as Psychiatrist and Linda Blair as Regan Teresa MacNeil Also, Read Also, Read.