The Necromancer is a fairly versatile class. His/her skills mainly revolve around minion mastery, but he/she also has offensive spells along with crowd control spells.

My personal suggestion is to start building the offensive spells first, since the early minions fall behind late game, unless you buff them with passive bonuses. Bone armour is a must.

On Veteran/Elite survivability is essential in Synergies mod, and I strongly recommend investing points into it at every occasion. As for crowd controll: having too many minions and CC just don't agree, because the Necromancer's CC consists mainly of barriers.

I don't really like the spider bots, so I've been focusing on sword-n-board to pump out some supplemental damage myself, while keeping myself tanky. Generally, stats are 3-2 Str-Vit with an occasional 5 thrown into dex for crit. I'm playing on veteran, starting act 3. I haven't had any problems so far and the build is definitely fun. Torchlight II Guides This build will shine and dominate all Modes at Lvl 42, once you learn the Wolfpack skill. Early game, this build is somewhat difficult to play but this guide will provide an easier way.

You might want to combine the Pestilence skill (a health-draining and slowing field) with the bone cage. That skill combo is great against all types of enemies who don't have abilities to bypass barriers (teleportation and leap attacks). The bone wall can lock down a passage and allows you to bombard enemies behind it with offensive spells. See that your minions are on the same side of the wall as the enemies.The Warlock is an offensive caster relying on either Hellfire or Nether essence, which are generated every time certain abilities are used. It is best to focus on one of them, since accumulating both at once is quite hard. Simply choose one of them and build your Warlock around it. Once again, neglecting survivability leads into countless deaths, so make sure to invest points into the Mana shield (a damage-absorbing force field).


The Warlock can also summon minions, but that requires a certain amount of either Hellfire or Nether essence. The Warlock's minions last for around 1 minute and you can only have one at a time, but they are quite powerful. It is also a good idea to invest a few points into the teleportation skill (forgot how it's called), just to avoid close encounters with monsters who hit really hard even through the mana shield. I usually put 2 on vitality and 2 on Focus and the remaining 1 depending on the situation. The 2 on Vitality are my personal must, knowing that in Synergies extra durability never hurts. If I am rushing the stat requirements for a certain weapon, I do invest a few extra points into either focus or strength, since both of these stats affect damage, and that's what mages do best.

The Necromancer has good crowd controll and thanks to the bone armour's percentual damage later on, it is a good enough protection. I do go through a dozen of near-death experiences in the ice-level, but that's rather common for every class. In fact, as I see it, mages should aim for 'kill it before it kills you' and so staffs are the most viable choice for that. Pretty much every ability's damage scales from the weapon's damage, and staves do quite a lot of it. The necromancer has excellent CC, so I prefer combining barriers and offensive spells topped off with some stronger minions.

Personal suggestion: don't pick the spectral dragon minion as Necromancer, it creates such a ruckus you have no idea what's actually going on on the field.

I use the Synergies mod in all my builds, among a lot of other things the mod adds 15 extra skill points bringing the total up to 150 pointshowever, it is possible to make any build vanilla compatible, just be very selective which skills to downgrade.I will not place vanilla alternatives here, but leave that to your own discretion.of course on custom classes you will need to download the class mod first, for which I will give you a download link.the Synergies mod can be downloaded here:and any info needed on it can be found at their forum:highly recommended! Based on a build by FishofMuu on the Runic Games forumthe basic premise of this build is to spam Prismatic Bolt, and pretty much nothing else. Each bolt has a 24% chance each of dealing any of the four elemental debuffs for 20.8 seconds. Skyrim 3d pubic hair. If an enemy is burned/frozen/shocked at the same time, each hit will deal an additional 13.287 damage on average (before stat/item boosts). This is a very easy build to use, and it focuses on a skill that you can access at the beginning of the game. Aside from Prismatic Bolt it uses staffs, aiming at increased elemental damage, increased cast speed and knockback, thus strengthening Prismatic Bolt even more!

Another important thing in any Embermage build is to build charge as quickly as possibe, because it makes spells free to cast, so there's also a small focus on achieving link. Weaponsdual claws, enchanted and socketed with ice damage and charge effectspassive skillsblood hunger 15/15executioner 5/15cold steel mastery 15/15shatter storm 15/15rage retaliation 15/15frenzy mastery 15/15shred armor 15/15red wolf 10/15active skillsfrost breath 15/15northern rage 15/15permafrost 15/15statsstrength and dexterity 2:3, resulting in high DPS and a constantly filled charge bar, which in the berzerker's case means endless crits!spellson your character: concentration, dual wielding and dervishon your pet: silence, draining touch, frost and elemental overload. Weaponssword and shield, recommended for this are the iron sword, preferably level 100, and the centerwing shield. A build by Sharkee (requires the Theolentist class, available on the steam workshop)The entire power of this build lies in the combination of magnetic sermon, electron veil and kinetic flurry. By using this skill combination you immerse yourself in an aura of electricity, attract your foes to you like a magnet and then blow them away with charged tornadoes. Add to that shock staffs and a small army of minions created by genesis and summoning spells on your pet and you have a very effective and deadly build.Statwise it's best to invest in strength and focus, the active skills make use of a percentage of your DPS and of course it's also wise to strengthen your elemental damage and mana link. Weaponsstaffs or polearms, preferably staffs, enchanted and gemmed with electricitypassive skillstruth and claw 15/15 10/15 for non-synergies playersgenesis 15/15voltaic crusader 15/15godspeed 15/15 10/15 for non-synergies playersatomic blessing 15/15atmospheric shell 15/15active skillsintelligent design 15/15 10/15 for non-synergies playerskinetic flurry 15/15electron veil 15/15magnetic sermon 15/15statsstrength and focus 3:2spellson your character:concentration, armor expertise, arcane tools and elemental overloadon your pet: heal all, elemental overload and summoning spells.