Level 1 2, 363 - 367 Pitt St. Sydney NSW 2000 Australia T. + 61 2 9268 0809 E. Info@businessinstitute.edu.au www.businessinstitute.edu.au Business Institute of Australia ABN 18 085 304 570 NTIS Code: 91019 CRICOS Provider Code: 02607G BSBMG. Training.gov.au - BSBMGT502B - Manage people performance This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to manage the performance of staff who report to them directly.

BSBMGT502B Manage people performance & BSBWOR502B Ensure team effectivenessHolistic AssessmentStudent Name:Introduction and instructions:The assessment for this Unit of Competency consists of three assessment tasks:1. Written Theory assessment – requiring you to answer each question with short written answers;2. Case Study scenario – requiring you to analyse the case study organization and answer questions in writing;3. Practical – requiring you to develop a workforce plan.Result:The result of each assessment task will be either ‘Satisfactory’ (S) or ‘Not Satisfactory’ (NS).

Once you have satisfactorily completed all assessment tasks for a unit of competency you will be deemed to be Competent(C). If you have not satisfactorily completed all assessment tasks you will be deemed Not Yet Competent and reassessment will be required, the manner of which will be dependent upon the type of assessment task(s).Office Use: Tick as appropriate below Assessor Name Date SignatureTheory Assessment Satisfactory? Not Satisfactory?Case Study Satisfactory? Not Satisfactory?Practical Satisfactory? Not Satisfactory?Result: COMPETENT?NOT YET COMPETENT?Academic Manager to countersignAssessment 1 - Theory AssessmentBSBMGT502B Manage people performance &BSBWOR502B Ensure team effectivenessStudent Name: Date:Recommended text: Cole, K. Management Theory & Practice (Chapter 11, 12, & 13, )Question 1In soccer, the goalkeeper has a role to play.

He has to stop the other team from kicking the ball into his net.This is his role and part of his job description.In relation to this specific role, what would be a fair KPI?Question 2Part of an airline pilot's job is to land the airplane safely. In relation to this specific role, what would be a fair KPI?Question 3In most jobs, you work as a member of a team. Think of the job roles that you have done, and the ones you are good at and the ones you are not good at, and whether you liked doing them or not.

For example, you might like dancing but are bad at it.

Hollywood movies dubbed in hindi download hd. CodeReleaseAdvanced Diploma of ESI - Power Systems Operations1-2Advanced Diploma of ESI - Power Systems1-2Diploma of ESI - Power Systems Operations1-2Diploma of ESI - Power Systems1-3Diploma of ESI Generation Maintenance - Electrical Electronic1-3Diploma of ESI Generation (Maintenance)1-3Diploma of ESI Generation (Operations)1-3Diploma of ESI Generation - Systems Operations1-3Advanced Diploma of Gas Supply Industry Operations1-2Advanced Diploma of Gas Supply Industry Operations1.Modification HistoryNot applicable. Unit DescriptorUnit descriptorThis unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to manage the performance of staff who report to them directly.


Development of key result areas and key performance indicators and standards, coupled with regular and timely coaching and feedback, provide the basis for performance management.No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of endorsement.Application of the UnitApplication of the unitThis unit applies to all managers and team leaders who manage people. It covers work allocation and the methods to review performance, reward excellence and provide feedback where there is a need for improvement.The unit makes the link between performance management and performance development, and reinforces both functions as a key requirement for effective managers.This is a unit that all managers/prospective managers who have responsibility for other employees should strongly consider undertaking.Licensing/Regulatory InformationNot applicable. Pre-RequisitesPrerequisite unitsEmployability Skills InformationEmployability skillsThis unit contains employability skills.Elements and Performance Criteria Pre-ContentElements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge section and the range statement.