Juggernaut armor set is a massive armor item set in Dragon Age: Origins. It is the reward for completing the quest The Mage's Treasure. See the quest article for further details. Notes The Juggernaut Armor Set does import to Dragon Age: Origins. Dragon Age: Origins is an epic fantasy role-playing game featuring a rich story, personality-driven characters, and tactical, bloody combat. It is considered a spiritual successor to the Baldur's Gate series.


Melee weapons in Dragon Age Origins are largely based off the strength stat and are therefore largely targeted towards Warriors and certain Rogue builds. The exception is daggers, which are half dexterity, half strength. The first and most straight-forward stat is damage. This is simply the unmodified amount of damage the weapon will do on a successful hit. The higher, the better. Different kinds of weapons have different base damage values, but the value is variable based on the type of material the weapon is made out of.

In rank of quality from worst the best the materials are Iron, Grey Iron, Steel, Veridium, Red Steel, Silverite, and Dragonbone.The attribute modifier determines how much of the governing stat is factored into damage. It can range from 85% for a dagger to 125% for a maul.

In effect it means that all things being equal, a maul with a 125% modifier will do more damage than a sword with a 100% modifier, even if the weapons have the same stats otherwise. The gap between the maul and sword would increase as the wielder’s strength increased.Armor penetration governs how well a weapon works against armor. It seems to work as simple addition and subtraction.

The armor penetration, the more points of armor which are ignored. A weapon with ten armor penetration rating of ten would ignore the effect of armor against an enemy with an armor rating of ten.The speed modifier determines how quickly a weapon is swung relative to the base speed of the character’s attack animation.

Lower is better.Finally, critical chance is a stat added on top of the character’s melee critical chance. Higher is better. Ranged WeaponsAll of the above information applies to both melee and ranged weapons. However, ranged weapons also have the range stat and aim time stat. The range stat determines how far a character can be from an opponent before penalties are applied to attack rolls. The aim stat determines how long it takes a weapon to be aimed before firing.Also, note that both Longbows and Shortbows rely 50/50 on the strength and dexterity stats when determining damage. Crossbows, on the other hand, rely entirely on dexterity.

Oh my zsh for mac. Zsh is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language. By default, macOs ships with zsh located in/bin/zsh. Let’s install zsh using brew and make iTerm2 use it. Brew install zsh Step 4: Install Oh My Zsh “Oh My Zsh is an open source, community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. It will not make you a 10x developerbut you might feel like one”. Open Mac Terminal. CMD +, open settings. On Left Sidebar, Click Config Icon and Select Import. Choose Terminal Schema: UnzipPath/terminal/.terminal. I recommend Solarized Dark.terminal. Then, make it default (select imported schema and click 'Default' button below) That'all. If you restart terminal, you can see great agnoster theme with oh my zsh. What is Oh My Zsh? Oh My Zsh is an open source, community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. Sounds boring. Let's try again. Oh My Zsh will not make you a 10x developer.but you may feel like one. Once installed, your terminal shell will become the talk of the town or your money back! To use mac-zsh-completions on your Mac, follow these steps: download the project zip or git clone the project in your.zshrc (or other zsh configuration file) add the full path to the mac-zsh-completions/completions directory to the fpath, e.g. Fpath= ( /Projects/mac-zsh-completions/completions $fpath). $ brew install zsh Now you should install a framework, we recommend to use Oh My Zsh or Prezto. Note that you should pick one of them, not use both. The configuration file for zsh is called.zshrc and lives in your home folder (/.zshrc). Oh My Zsh is an open source, community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. It comes with a bunch of features out of the box and improves your terminal experience.

Dragon age origins armor sets bonus

Weapons – My PicksThe game’s weapons have their stats distributed so one type of weapon is clearly better in all situations. That said, I do have some favorites. For two-handed weapons I like Mauls for their high armor penetration and high attribute modifier. Among one-handed weapons I prefer swords for their fast speed and medium-high critical chance.For bows the choice depends on the user’s best stat, since longbows are 50/50 strength and dexterity while crossbows are 100% dexterity.These are not hard an fast rules, however, so your mileage may vary. Also, for much of the game you’ll be using the best weapon you can get your hands on, so don’t become so discriminatory towards a particular weapon type that you throw out a good one because it isn’t the type of weapon you typically use. ArmorLike weapons, armor has its own stats which determine how effective it is.

There are less stats to worry about, but they are still important.The first state to worry about is the armor rating. This armor rating adds to your character’s overall armor rating which in turn determines how much damage is ignored when a blow lands. As you might expect, higher is better, with no exceptions.The second stat of concern is the fatigue rating. The fatigue rating applies a modifier to the stamina cost of using skills. This modifier can either increase or decrease the stamina cost of using skills. A lower modifier is always better since it allows your character to use skills more often.

Armor – My Picks. Of course, while both the armor and fatigue stats are clear cut in regard to what is best, they tend to oppose each other on any given set of armor. Armor with a high armor rating also tends to have a high fatigue modifier.This is a balancing act and there is no clear-cut correct answer. That said, I usually give characters who are meant to do a lot of damage a set of armor with the lowest possible fatigue modifier.

This allows them to continue to use their devastating offensive skills. Characters who exist to absorb damage, on the other hand, are given heavy armor to ensure they can soak up as much damage as possible before I have to heal them. In SummaryUse this guide as a toolset. There are so many weapons in Dragon Age Origins and so many ways to play the game that no particular weapon is guaranteed to be the best. You’ll often receive new equipment, as well, so you’ll constantly have to re-evaluate how you judge weapons and armor. If you have come across two nice pieces of equipment and you don’t know which to pick, don’t. Try both out for the next hour or so and then pick the one which seems to work the best.In fact, it is often not a bad idea to bring multiple sets of equipment.

For example, you might want your DPS melee characters to bring both one fast weapon with good base damage and one slower weapon with a high armor penetration rating. This kind of min/maxing isn’t required to win the game on normal difficulity, but as you ramp up the difficulty you’ll find that even these kind of minor adjustments in your equipment can make a difference. This post is part of the series: A Guide to Dragon Age: Origins.