I've tried Road to 56 with a few helper mods like Better Mechanics: Frontline AI, and Increased Resources. The experience has so far been enjoyable, different, as well as more focus trees, longer tech trees, and the ability to more or less play out a 'What if WW2 carried on well into the 50's' sort of scenario, even if the main war is over well.

Hearts of Iron 4 National Focus Maker A web-based tool to create national focus trees for your own mods in HOI4This repo is to serve as a way for backups, improvements, and for people to be able to make pull requests when Paradox create new functions for modding.This tool is not created by, or on behalf of, Paradox Interactive. The tool will be provided free of charge at. The tool does not modify game files, and any issues with the tool will not affect the main game.

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3rd 2019-Iran rebellion spawning in Tokyo as of Nov. 2019.Content that breaks the spirit of these rules may be removed at moderator discretion. I’m not the person you replied to, but some combination of the Benelux countries is always super OP in my games, even when AI controlled. I can barely remember the last time Germany actually managed to capitulate all three on its own. Belgium and Netherlands usually have 20-40 divisions and fortifications(?), and Germany never manages to compete. Even playing Germany myself, I still have difficulties smashing through them into France; sometimes it’s not even worth it to declare on the Netherlands.

Waaayyy stronger than vanilla, and not in a reasonable way.It’s a shame too, because I really do like the looks of their trees (especially your Belgium one, it’s very interesting!), but they’re just too OP. Only countries I’d say are worse are Germany (ONLY if by a player), Brazil, and the new Greece tree (what happened to the old one? It was much better). So the fusion of the Rhine the Meuse and the Grebbe line works too well? That's interresting. I absolutely adore the tree for Mexico. It's quite difficult and massive with a lot of cool choices.

Plus you can invade the US and actually win. Same with Manchukuo.

Especially if you have Formable Nations to go with it, trying to make the Chinese Empire as them is great.Turkey is a fun choice as well, because you can reform the Ottoman Empire. Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia are all nations I've had great games in as well.The improved German and British focus trees are very well done (fascist Britain makes playing Britain actually fun), and the Italian focus tree is a work of art (especially the communist path). Improved Soviet one lets you get Trotsky without a civil war and get some fun buffs (or go fascist).

The improved USA one is also good although the communist path hasn't been implemented yet (last I checked anyways). Really the Italian one is great (but difficult sometimes. I recommend justifying on Austria and taking them out as soon as possible unless you plan on being Germany's bitch the whole game).If you want some European minors, I recommend Sweden and the Netherlands (I once conquered the benelux, France and Germany as the Netherlands in a RT56 game). Belgium is also a good choice.


And Austria is fun because you can just completely disrupt the flow of the game.The one for communist China is absolutely massive and I've had several games that went past 1950 with it, and I think the same is true for nationalist China although I don't play them much.Brazil and Argentina are both good if you want to play in South America, so is Colombia.Outside of the random Chinese nations nobody cares about, some of the smaller South American nations, and most of Central America, I think every nation has a focus tree, so just look around and try a bunch until you find some you like. Also, because the AI is using those focus trees too, it adds a lot of variety to the base game (I recommend turning off historical focuses to really see the chaos ensue). And still, the above user wants to play it.

No reason to be a douchebag about it.Seriously, what is with the 'Holier than thou' attitude of this community on the subreddit recently? Fuck all these mods, wherever one goes, often followed by some circlejerk about Kaiserreich. Just play KR and let the other players find out if it is the best by themselves.I, for one, like Road to 56. It has many issues, but it caters to a specific subset of the community. Kabhi alvida naa kehna einthusan.

The rest of the players should perhaps just move on and be like 'ah, someone posting about Road to 56. I don't like that mod, so I will just ignore the post and go the next one and see if it is about the mods I like.' Seriously, people.

Stop being pricks to people for wanting to play some mod. Because people keep calling RT56 a mod. That is the first and biggest mistake. It's a combination many mods and you should be aware of that. KR is a mod with a organised developer crew. RT56 just put many mods together, ofc you will Encounter more bugs in RT56. Srsly don't like, then shut it.

People a lot of work and effort in it, being a douche and just talking shit about it is not the way to pay respect to that effort. Nothing against constructive criticism, but people tend to flame beyond reasonability.Same goes with the paradox bashing. Don't like it, be constructive. Post in the bug report forum etc.You just wanna flame and whine? Move on, plenty of other games out there!.