First let me know if there's a better place than here to get help with this bug. It's the Old Valyria quest you get from Ser Janis Lyren in the crossroads Inn. After accepting the quest, getting around 45k stags, 3 sets of tools and 70ish men I set out and eventually found the 'ruined castle' in Essos. When I go up to it I get the two options of 'claim this for yourself and attempt to rebuild' or 'leave this place alone'.

This is where it seems to bug, When I select the option to claim for myself it gives the expected readout in the bottom left such as 'you lost 10000 stags, slavers used this be prepared for a battle, the castle has been rebuilt, quest complete: old valyria'. While it reads this out the ruins disappear and 12 or so hours go by in speed mode. During this time nothing reappears in the ruins place and when the speed mode finishes it pops up the dialogue again like I just found the castle for the first time, to have the option to spend 10k again or leave it be. This keeps repeating until I'm out of money or tools, all the while nothing appears or reappears after the initial contact with it. Nothing i have tried yields different results.Submitted May 21, 2017 at 10:28PM by FeedingYouPie

Im supposed to scout the lands of always winter. As far as I understand I need to find a White Walker party. Now the problem is I searched for quite a while without success but there is a White Walker unit imprisoned in Then with some Wights and Whigt Giants. Is there only one White Walker party spawning related to this quest? I have the newest patch for this mod but started the run before it got released. Im almost 400 days in and a restart isn't very appealing. Is there a way to still finish the quest?

Heirs and Inheritance in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord Babies shortly become children, who age into teenagers, then adults. Teenagers can start fighting and generally doing hero stuff pretty early.

Does the invasion ever happen without finishing it?Submitted October 07, 2017 at 12:49PM by ironbloodcenturion

BladeMount And Blade Gekokujo Guide

Personally, when I am freelancing I like to enlist into the ruler of the particular factions army. Just me, but I feel a lot safer than being in one of the vassals armies. Alkazaro is exactly right about the troop difference. One tip I would have is to look up the troop trees for the factions. Sometimes promotions that are given aren't able to be taken by you unless you have a prerequisite number of skill points in riding, archery etc. Personally, I enjoy being a foot soldier and wielding those lovely 2h katanas but everyone has their own taste.

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Note that this isn't really worth it unless you picked a commoner start. If you picked Ji-samurai or kuge noble as your fathers profession you get 80 and 100 renown from the start, respectively and then you can just fight bandits and do quests for that last 50 renown to become a vassal.

Especially if the lord you choose is a retard and keeps losing battles. Then you have to escape captivity and find him again within 14 days or you're a deserter. And god help you if he gets captured too. The regions don't matter to much unless you really are having trouble with a certain pair of bandits.

But as stated below, one of the best ways to start out is to join up with a lord. Hopefully as a Ji-Samurai but ashigaru isn't a bad job.Anyways, what you want to do in the army, is stay back slightly, and just left your companions take the brunt while you wreck face and get the SWEET SWEET exp and loot. Eventually you'll have enough money to buy a horse and be unstopable until you fight a bandit with a gun that one shots you off your horse.But as a general rule of thumb, don't be afraid to use ashigaru as opposed to ji-samurai, because the only major difference is that samurai get better armor and main weapon katanas. You don't want veterans though, you want ELITE ashigaru.The reason why it's easier to get better samurai units is because samurais have 2 specialties which allow them to become hatamoto, Elites of the samurai.

Shimazu has Hatamoto Gunner + Guard. Ashigaru however can only have 1 specialty. Skimisher or spearman.That being said, the way you use the melee troops of peasants vs samurai, really has to be different, simply because how what main weapon they decide on using.

Ashigaru have an intense need to use spears, therefore it's best to keep backpeddling them in formation or have them outnumber the enemy force, otherwise they don't do well in their super close battles. Samurai have katanas (as do ashigaru.) and tend to use them more, so they are higghly effective vs 2-3 ashigaru in a charge battle of death.Both types of units are viable, just remember that ELITE = Hatamoto in terms of basic strength. I think it was like lv 25 vs 27 or something like that for troop stats. But in the basic number crunching of usefulness, Samurai are generally better, it's just hard to use them because of the cost. Pretty hefty at 300 a troop:. Go join s great lord.

As usual with freelancing, the faction leaders are probably the best as they won't get defeated as much (I've had fun with the Dante and Shimazu). You'll start as an ashigaru, which is fine just remember to tweak your equipment so you're not suchStuck with a weapon you don't know how to use. Once you decide to go ranged or melee you can't change what ashigaru when you go up the ranks, even if you quit and join another lord (I suggest melee because you can just loot a bow and you get better armour I think). Also, after every siege battle you do, talk to your commander, as your relations will go up by 2.

After a while you and him will be best friends. Don't forget to change the equipment given to you by the faction for better stuff you've looted!After a certain amount of renown (about 300? 400?) You can talk to your commander to change from Ashigaru to Samurai. This option will also appear after getting to the Elite level- check on the wiki which faction has elite skirmishers or spearmen, because you need to select the right troop tree. Once you become a samurai you start at the bottom of the tree and decide early on if you want to be ranged or melee. Ranged then branches into guns or bows, melee into horse or infantry- again, nothing to stop you from mixing and matching equipment but check which factions have what troops as their 'Hamato guard'- these are the very top of the troop tree and have the best equipment. For instance, the Dante have horsemen as one of their hamato, while the Shimazu gunners and infantry.

Plan your progression accordingly.I'm not sure if it's a bug or not, but when I finally left as a hamato horsemen, I was allowed to keep all my issued equipment- a major boost!In between that, however, it'll be faster but riskierto gain exp skills and money via bandit hunting! Especially if you're trying to build up renown to become a samurai. Bandits swarm in quite large numbers sometimes, so you need enough money to have up to 30 men to start with.

Some of these should obviously be samurai (recruited from castles not villages- more expensive initially but very much worth it all the way through). Stay mobile- a speed of 5.5 and above is a must to outrun the big swarms- gather more and more men as you can afford them, and ransom as much as possible.The best bandits in my opinion are the monks near the Tokunguwa (the yellow ones south/west of the Kanto area) and those in the basin around Kyoto. While both sets of rebels pack a punch, the monks have less armour, lower rate of fire with guns, are worth about 5 more (both of these are the most profitable) and have the most space to run away in.

However, the Kyoto area does have more towns and cities to recruit and ransom from, and the guild masters' track down bandits quest is really easy for once as they're all contained in one area. A quick way to get your relations to with a town!It's worth picking up companions between free lancer spells as they're retained after you quit.